
Showing posts from March, 2021

Ember Sword Chapter 4: The Proving Grounds

  Lisbeth tossed and turned throughout the night. She couldn't believe she was going to be taking on Pharrahdor tomorrow in the proving grounds. After the courtyard confrontation earlier that day, she didn't know what else she could do. Navaeh was her roommate, but she had snuck out to be with her girlfriend since she had a senior dorm to herself. Lisbeth laid in bed looking blankly at the ceiling. She needed some fresh air and stepped out to her balcony. She could see the lights of the village in the forest. It was quiet. At that moment she wished she could be back home in Sevrend. She took on the challenges of the jungle her whole life, but yet she couldn't stand up to one bully. Not just any bully, the biggest threat in the academy. The Sevrendi people were also prideful like Ediseans. If Navaeh didn't jump in, Lisbeth believed she would still accept the challenge. She wished she had Navaeh's confidence at this moment, Pharrahdor's intimidation, or even Felix

Ember Sword Chapter 3: The Clash in the Courtyard

The first school bell rang throughout the halls of the academy. Morning classes were over and the students had some time for lunch, social interactions, or cramming for finals. This was the last week before summer and many students were ready to return to their parts of Thanabus. Lisbeth stretched her legs from another boring class of Professor Awyn's "cultures of Thanabus" class. She much rather attend loremaster Sam's senior class or even Professor Narius's cryo energy class. Learning about different cultures was not for her especially with her nation, Sevrend. Not many Sevrendi students went to this school and she knew in the history books that Sevrend was shunned among Thanabus. She knew that her home use to be a prison but over the years her people overcame impossible odds but she knew that the history books would not promote the people of Sevrend as they were seen as the enemies of the republic. She knew the wisp was with her though and that she would make s

Awyn's Travels: Solarwood Volume 1

Without jeopardizing my tenure at the academy, the grandmasters wished me to write over my travels around Thanabus, but now I am tasked with my hardest writings of all my travels, my home itself, Solarwoods. The Burkhalter Academy may be the last of knowledge left behind of Pangaea and the civilization Ediseau strives for in the Republic. The academy brings forth the ambition of all four nations to offer them the many different arts. The most popular of skills taught in the academy is that of the power of the energies. Some believe that energy holds Thanabus together from slipping into utter chaos. With the energy taught in the Academy, students may find ways to build wonders such as machinery from an older age, tools so they may harvest more, heal and protect those who are in danger or bring forth unspeakable power upon their enemies. Energy may be as important to the life of Thanabus as fire and water are to survival and just fire and water, energy may bring warmth or cinder, quench

Awyn's Travels: Ediseau Volume 1

In my travels, I found a lot of chaos throughout the wilderness but when there is chaos there must be order. The Ediseau people, also known as the Ediseans, have brought law and order among the people of Thanabus. The heart of the republic, Ediseans must have made the most of the Catastrophe. For where the other nations may have faded from existence, Edisean brings out of the civilization to the world of Thanabus. The land once full of the forest as Solarwood but after the Catastrophe has brought the harsh cold to the northern land. The harsh cold has not stopped Ediseans as the freezing weather has pushed them to build their walls to survive. For in these walls has crafted power, knowledge, and unity. Outside the walls is cold, monsters, and remnants of the old world. Whatever odds that come to the walls of the republic, they will be met with a mighty force of the heart of Pangaea. The might of Ediseans is also seen in their kinship and manners within the city and the travels of the l

Awyn's Travels: Sevrend Volume 1

For all the distant lands, I found myself struggling to receive approval from the Academy to travel to the thick jungles of Servend. Even though we had some Sevrendi students at the Academy, Sevrend has always been seen as a foreign and villainous place with the citizens being just as monstrous as the wild beast among the land. Where others may have avoided Sevrend, I wanted to indulge in their rich culture that many believed was hidden deep into the jungle. In the old world, Sevrend was once held to be a prison state among Pangaea. The prison set in the middle of the jungle was the perfect spot to keep the convicts locked away from the world. Many escapes from the prison were attempted, but many failed as the prisoners would slip into the jungle in which they would beg to re-enter the prison as the stone walls would be a saving grace from the unspeakable things within the jungle. After the catastrophe, the prison soon slipped into chaos in which the prisoners soon gained control of th

Awyn's Travels: Duskeron Volume 1

For Dusk brings forth the Night. The Duskeron People, also known as Duskers, are a nomadic group who believes in the survival of the fittest. Unlike the other nations, Duskers worship Starzhen believing that he brought the Catastrophe. The reason for this is that they believe the people of Thanabus became soft and weak. Duskers believe that Starzhen wanted to make Thanabus strong once more. The strongest of his people were those in the harsh desert land of Duskeron. From wandering machines to unholy creatures, Duskeron's harsh lands are a testimony of what the Duskers are made for in the land. Duskers believe that Duskeron will make them strong and that every fight in the desert is a crucible for them to prove their grit and strength. To die in battle is seen as honorable among them as this shall be a testimony to the Starzhen's atonement among Thanabus. Duskers love the desert as this brings heat and lack of water which the Duskers believe is another challenge to overcome with

Ember Sword Chapter 2: Shadows in the Republic

  The tavern was lively as usual for a Friday night. Many Ediseans were enjoying whatever spirits they were drinking and dancing, singing, and laughing were all around. Mara was sitting at the back table away from the crowd. She was working and she knew her informant would be in soon. Using her energy skill, she snapped her fingers to make a small flame upon her fingertips to light her black cigarette. "You can't just use a lighter like everyone else can you," said Edward sitting next to her at the table. "I have to make sure my pyromancy is still in the top shape," Mara said with a smirk. "Always need to be ready in case anything goes south". "This is a simple informant meeting, Mara, we have nothing to be worried about tonight," Edward said quickly. Mara was always expecting the worse. For being an agent to the republic, you never knew what type of mess you would be involved in even in the walls of the republic. Mara was in the agency for q