Ember Sword Chapter 4: The Proving Grounds

Lisbeth tossed and turned throughout the night. She couldn't believe she was going to be taking on Pharrahdor tomorrow in the proving grounds. After the courtyard confrontation earlier that day, she didn't know what else she could do. Navaeh was her roommate, but she had snuck out to be with her girlfriend since she had a senior dorm to herself. Lisbeth laid in bed looking blankly at the ceiling. She needed some fresh air and stepped out to her balcony. She could see the lights of the village in the forest. It was quiet. At that moment she wished she could be back home in Sevrend. She took on the challenges of the jungle her whole life, but yet she couldn't stand up to one bully. Not just any bully, the biggest threat in the academy. The Sevrendi people were also prideful like Ediseans. If Navaeh didn't jump in, Lisbeth believed she would still accept the challenge. She wished she had Navaeh's confidence at this moment, Pharrahdor's intimidation, or even Felix...