Awyn's Travels: Solarwood Volume 1

Without jeopardizing my tenure at the academy, the grandmasters wished me to write over my travels around Thanabus, but now I am tasked with my hardest writings of all my travels, my home itself, Solarwoods.

The Burkhalter Academy may be the last of knowledge left behind of Pangaea and the civilization Ediseau strives for in the Republic. The academy brings forth the ambition of all four nations to offer them the many different arts. The most popular of skills taught in the academy is that of the power of the energies.

Some believe that energy holds Thanabus together from slipping into utter chaos. With the energy taught in the Academy, students may find ways to build wonders such as machinery from an older age, tools so they may harvest more, heal and protect those who are in danger or bring forth unspeakable power upon their enemies. Energy may be as important to the life of Thanabus as fire and water are to survival and just fire and water, energy may bring warmth or cinder, quench or drown.

With all the nations having their shares of monsters and creatures among the land, students are given the opportunity to provide offensive and defensive energies. Will you choose the destructive path of those to use the natural elements to blast those who wish to bring harm onto Thanabus? Will you bring forth strong barriers of light to shield your companions in the clutches of death? Will you be the heart of your people and bring healing to the wounded and the boons to empower your allies? Would you be willing to go on a darker path so others may bathe in the light?

For others in the academy, the greatest power they could have is knowledge as they serve to bring back the civilization to Thanabus. Not all students seek adventure as many may pursue an interest in agriculture where they may learn to harvest. Others may seek knowledge of business found with the pursuit of wealth through trade. Students may learn to be leaders of mighty guilds and engage in the entangled politics of the Republic. No matter what path you may seek, the academy may bring forth your own perception of success.

Solarwood offers more past the great walls of the academy. The Solarwoodlings cherish their lands as they were the less changed of the catastrophe. The sea of trees offers what Thanabus was and what it one day maybe again. Throughout Solarwood, you may wish to visit the villages and farmland that are spread with welcoming Solarwoodlings as they seek a more peaceful life over the big city of Ediseau, the trading markets of Duskeron, and the thrill of Sevrend.

Even though Solarwood may be seen as peaceful, do not be fooled as the forest survived the catastrophe, so did what lies among the forest. Would you come across the flower oxen that roam the land, the predators that scattered among the trees, that ferocious bear that one of our academy scholars wrote pages upon pages on? Perhaps in all my travels, maybe adventure and the brave unknown were not in the desert, mountains, or jungles. For adventures may be found just past these walls of the academy in the land of Solarwood.

Oh yes! I forgot about what lives in the lake. Have you ever heard of a Kraken? This creature is ********************(Redacted)*********************

(Some information may be censored due to credentials and authorizations in the Burkhalter Academy Library. Please contact Grandmasters for further pending approval)



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