Awyn's Travels: Sevrend Volume 1

For all the distant lands, I found myself struggling to receive approval from the Academy to travel to the thick jungles of Servend. Even though we had some Sevrendi students at the Academy, Sevrend has always been seen as a foreign and villainous place with the citizens being just as monstrous as the wild beast among the land. Where others may have avoided Sevrend, I wanted to indulge in their rich culture that many believed was hidden deep into the jungle.

In the old world, Sevrend was once held to be a prison state among Pangaea. The prison set in the middle of the jungle was the perfect spot to keep the convicts locked away from the world. Many escapes from the prison were attempted, but many failed as the prisoners would slip into the jungle in which they would beg to re-enter the prison as the stone walls would be a saving grace from the unspeakable things within the jungle.

After the catastrophe, the prison soon slipped into chaos in which the prisoners soon gained control of the prison. After the prison collapsed, the people of Sevrend split into pacts where warlords fought over the land and the control of power. The war-torn nation of Sevrend would soon direct their eye towards an outside enemy, Ediseau. Word of the warlords would travel to the north and would be met with the blade of Ediseau. With Sevrend on the brink of falling, The pacts united under one banner to push back the Ediseau invansion.

Even though the Sevrendi were outnumbered, they had the most destructive weapon, Sevrend itself. The fighting among themselves had made them keen on the jungle life and the guerilla warfare that made them an unstoppable force against the Edisean. Their mastering of camouflage, poisoned weaponry, and the art of deception. Once the Sevrendi drove out the Edisean, their victory would be intoxicating. The Sevrendi did not only want to drive out Edisean the wanted to take the frozen lands for themselves. This would lead to war among nations as the new united Sevrendi military would go under a title, The Damned.

The War has not ended but has ended in a stalemate with both powers massing their armies always recruiting and growing. For now, was the time of peace. The Sevrendi were more than just wild men in the jungle as they wanted to begin to trade the worths of Sevrend. The ancient relics of Solarwood and the devastating weaponry to Duskeron has helped establish Sevrend to be the fourth nation of Thanabus. These senses of peacetime have even offered Sevrendi students into the academy.

During my time in Sevrend, I have found the Sevrendi people to be full of life among the jungles. They feared nothing but unlike the duskers who sought danger, the Sevrendi take luxury in the simpler things of life. The one nation still brings the tribal mindset of union and wits of environment. The toxic jungle is their home. The Sevrendi are completely self-sufficient and I believe that their survival could outlast all the other nations in generations. The Sevrendi people represent the jungle itself. Once you enter the jungle you come out a Sevrendi or nothing at all.


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