Ember Sword Chapter 3: The Clash in the Courtyard

The first school bell rang throughout the halls of the academy. Morning classes were over and the students had some time for lunch, social interactions, or cramming for finals. This was the last week before summer and many students were ready to return to their parts of Thanabus. Lisbeth stretched her legs from another boring class of Professor Awyn's "cultures of Thanabus" class. She much rather attend loremaster Sam's senior class or even Professor Narius's cryo energy class. Learning about different cultures was not for her especially with her nation, Sevrend. Not many Sevrendi students went to this school and she knew in the history books that Sevrend was shunned among Thanabus. She knew that her home use to be a prison but over the years her people overcame impossible odds but she knew that the history books would not promote the people of Sevrend as they were seen as the enemies of the republic. She knew the wisp was with her though and that she would make something of herself in the academy and for her people. She wanted to be more than just some Sevrendi girl, but just like any other Thanabus student that came to the academy. Many students knew she was Sevrend and tried to avoid her except for her friend, Navaeh. She was a dusker and always had Lisbeth's back in the academy. They were good friends and if anyone gave Lisbeth a hard time, Navaeh would shut them down. She would even try to fight them in the dining hall or library, which would lead to getting both her and Lisbeth in trouble. This did keep the bullies away but other students were not so lucky. 

"For being the only academy on this moon, you think they would have better food", Navaeh mumbled as she ate the lunch given at the school for the day. "You could always go to the villages and pick up something if you don't like it," Lisbeth remarked. Navaeh smirked, "that wouldn't be such a bad day today, the weather is amazing, even though it could be a little warmer. The weather was actually at the right temperature, Navaeh was a dusker, they always needed the heat.  They decided to eat lunch outside in the courtyard to get some fresh air. Other students were also out in the courtyard, some were reading, studying, eating lunch, or practicing energy. Energy use was not allowed without supervision, but that didn't stop the students with the ambitions to become the next great grandmaster or energy warden. Lisbeth noticed one student that she had eyes for since she came to the academy last year. His name was Felix. He was a solarwoodling and a second-year student like her. He was specializing in hydro energy and healing specialty. He was going to run a clinic for his village deep into the forest. Lisbeth wasn't alone in Felix as all the students had a crush on him. This would make other students jealous and therefore made him a target. As Felix walked through the courtyard, he locked eyes with Lisbeth for just a second and gave what appeared to be a smile. That was until Pharahdor tripping him, making Felix fall to the ground. "Oops" Pharrahdor said sarcastically. Pharrahdor was the academy's all-star student. Highest grades, best friends, and an impressive energy wielder. He was a third-year student and could already wield energy with his hands just as easy as a staff or sceptre. Lisbeth wasn't half bad herself but using energy without energy weapons was a difficult task in itself and drained the body over time.

Felix arose from the ground, dusted himself off, and ignored the laughing students. The group of students around Pharrahdor's table all began to whisper. Pharrahdor pointed his fingers at the ground under Felix's feet causing some earth to rise. Without Felix knowing he tripped again. Pharrahdor's table busted out laughing. Felix stood up fast this time, what's your problem!" Pharrahdor gave a smirk, "that wasn't be Felix, seems you just fall over everything." Felix approached Pharrahdor's table, "why can't you just leave me alone? Did you're ice brain melt when you left Ediseau?" Pharrahdor's table went quiet. It was one thing to insult an Edisean, but to insult Ediseau itself was a deep cut. Pharrahdor stood from the table, "I know you did not just insult Ediseau. Felix stood his ground but looked nervous, Lisbeth looked nervous, Navaeh leaned in her seat eating her food as if she was eating popcorn at the Thanabus Cup. "You...you can't keep picking on anyone that isn't like you Pharrahdor", said Felix. Pharrahdor got in Felix's face. "What are you going to do? Splash me with your little water-energy?" Lisbeth knew this wasn't looking good for Felix, she wanted to do something but was nervous to embarrass herself in front of Felix and make an enemy of Pharrahdor. He was towering over Felix at this point and gave a devilish grin, "let's put those water powers to the test. You need to learn that when you talk bad about Ediseau, you need a fire lit under your ass...literally!" At that moment, Pharrahdor snapped his fingers and caught the back of Felix's pants on fire. Felix howled in pain and begin to run around the courtyard. The whole yard was laughing now. Without thinking, Lisbeth stood up and blasted a gust of wind towards Felix putting out the small fire. 

Felix was in the middle of the courtyard with a massive hole in the back of his pants in which he attempted to cover up so no one could see if undergarments, even though some of his crushes didn't mind at the moment. Pharrahdor was laughing so hard that he did not notice Lisbeth marching up to him. "What gives you the right to pick on Felix!" Lisbeth shouted. "He doesn't do anything to you yet you continue to pick on him." Pharrahdor shrugged, "you talk bad about Ediseau, you get burned." Pharrahdor's friends began to chuckle behind him. Lisbeth knew this was a waste of time and began to walk away to check on Felix. "We are proud to be Edisean, unlike you dirty Sevs." Lisbeth stopped and turned back around glaring at them. "Looks like you struck a nerve" shouted one of Pharrahdor's friends. Pharrahdor knew he was getting to Lisbeth, "I can smell those nasty jungle spores from across the academy." Others in the courtyard began to chuckle and giggle. Felix was also glaring at Pharrahdor for what he was saying. Pharrahdor continued, "I know the academy let you animals walts in here but always remember that you will always just be a bunch of criminals in the jungle." Lisbeth was feeling anger build up in her chest. She felt a tingling in her hand as if she was conjuring energy. Pharrahdor pressed on, "you do realize that our great republic of Ediseau is going to bring law and order to your excuse of a nation soon enough. Your nation will be practically serving me and my great republic. That is all a Sevrendi is good for." Lisbeth's hand began to feel heavy. She didn't know this energy that was building inside her but she wanted to blast him where he stood. Pharrahdor walked up to Lisbeth and licked his lips and whispered, "of course, you could start serving me tonight in my dorm room like a good little sevrendi maid." 

Before Lisbeth could respond, Navaeh stood behind her "hey PharrahDORK! you think you are tough just because you can do a little energy spells and talk bad about my friend!" Navaeh put her arm around Lisbeth's neck, "Sevrendis and Duskers are good friends, and when you insult Sevrend you insult Duskeron!" Navaeh began to beat her chest, "The sands of Duskeron are tough but we envy the crucibles that Sevrend offers in those dark jungles!" One of Pharrahdor's friends still at the table shouted to Navaeh, "don't you have some sandbox to play in right now or something?" Navaeh snapped back, "I'll bury you under that sand little boy, TRY ME!" Pharrahdor's friend looked down and shook his head no. The warning bell rang around the academy meaning that afternoon classes were beginning. Pharrahdor looked at Lisbeth, "so you think Sevrendi can play with the big boys? why don't we settle this in the proving grounds?" Lisbeth had a chill run down her spine. The proving grounds were the fields behind the academy for energy combat. The final year students test their energy combat skills if they wish to receive the combat commendation of studies. Some of the great wardens of Thanabus proved themselves in those proving grounds. The proving grounds also brought a crowd at times as they see inspiring energy wielders duke it out with the grandmaster and professors supervising the event so no one gets severely hurt. 

What Pharrahdor wanted was an unofficial proving ground as no academic staff would approve of this challenge. "No weapons just our hands," Pharrahdor said no longer smiling. Before Lisbeth could say anything, Navaeh spoke for her, "Lisbeth is going to wipe the ground with you when she's done." Lisbeth looked at Navaeh in shock. She didn't want to go against the best in the academy, yet Navaeh signed her up anyways. Pharrahdor grinned, "tomorrow when we finish afternoon classes." Pharrahdor gave Lisbeth a wink, "see you soon". Pharrahdor and his group left the courtyard. Lisbeth knew she was a goner tomorrow when she faced him. Navaeh, Lisbeth, and Felix were the only three in the courtyard. "thanks for putting my pants out and standing up against Pharrahdor", said Felix. Navaeh slapped him on the back, "anytime! we hate bullies and Pharrahdork over there doesn't have a chance against my main friend Lisbeth! Right, Lisbeth?...uh...Lisbeth?" Lisbeth remained frozen. She had so many thoughts rushing through her mind at that moment. She was going to be humiliated tomorrow in the proving grounds or even worse, get blasted away by Pharrahdor's energy. She had to get to class. What was she going to do she wondered and more importantly, what was that strange energy forming in her hand?


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