Ember Sword Chapter 2: Shadows in the Republic


The tavern was lively as usual for a Friday night. Many Ediseans were enjoying whatever spirits they were drinking and dancing, singing, and laughing were all around. Mara was sitting at the back table away from the crowd. She was working and she knew her informant would be in soon. Using her energy skill, she snapped her fingers to make a small flame upon her fingertips to light her black cigarette. "You can't just use a lighter like everyone else can you," said Edward sitting next to her at the table. "I have to make sure my pyromancy is still in the top shape," Mara said with a smirk. "Always need to be ready in case anything goes south". "This is a simple informant meeting, Mara, we have nothing to be worried about tonight," Edward said quickly. Mara was always expecting the worse. For being an agent to the republic, you never knew what type of mess you would be involved in even in the walls of the republic. Mara was in the agency for quite some time now. She believed that working within Ediseau and the republic would have been an easy job yet she would soon be wrong.

Mara was top of her class a skilled swordsman as she was a pyromancer. Her energy skills were unmatched in the academy but that was quite some time. Mara thought her days casting fireballs and sword dueling was behind her until the recent attacks that came upon the republic. Ediseau has fallen prey to numerous poison bombing attacks. The bombs are believed to be of Sevrend nature and the motive being to rebel against Ediseau and the republic. With them becoming more frequent, the agency was assigned to investigate. Not much has been found but reports of sewer guards being slaughtered while on duty have pointed to the bombs being pointed to the sewer ways. Many sewer guards who have survived these vicious attacks have gone mad claiming to have encountered someone known as the Rat King. Word spreads fast through the republic and this was no different. Mara and Edward had been assigned to follow up with this elusive Rat King rumor which brought them to this tavern tonight waiting on an informant with information. 

"Here he comes now," said Edward giving a gentle wave so the informant would see them. The informant sat down beside Mara. "You're late", Mara said while putting out her cigarette. "Many apologies, this type of information is difficult to find...and quite valuable as well". "You'll get your money when you give us something," Edward said becoming more impatient. The informant signaled the bartender and lowered his voice. "The Rat King is actually a real person". A chill went down Mara's back, she wanted the rumors to remain rumors. "Well, who is it," Edward asked. "He goes by the name Snug. Not sure if that is his real name or not but apparently he is involved with smuggling contraband throughout Ediseau". Mara knew of the sewer systems being a way to smuggle illegal substances and weapons throughout the republic but that was just business as usual. Mara asked, "so what is Rat Snug, or whatever they go by, motive in all of this? Killing the sewer workers and the poisons bombings just seems..." Edward interrupted, "Isn't it obvious, Snug is working with those Sevrend rebellions". Mara sat back in her chair, "these aren't really Sevrend tactics though, they don't attack civilians, they focus military outposts, and they always make it well known that it was there doing". Edward rolled his eyes, "Sevrendi lives in poison jungles, these are poison bombs, I think we can put two and two together on this one". 

The informant began to look anxious, "I think it's time for me to go". He left the table, paid for his tab, and walked out into the cold night. A few minutes later a scream came out from the tavern so loud that it could have been heard over the noisy tavern. "Come quick!", someone shouted. "He's dying". Mara and Edward jumped to their feet and ran out into the street. The informant laid shaken, foaming out the mouth. He had been poisoned. He was just with them Mara thought to herself. Edward bent down to help any way he could. "Mara, go get help", Edward ordered. Mara nodded her head and began running up the street. She knew there was a clinic nearby and that they would be able to do something. The informant looked bad and she wasn't sure if she would make it in time. As she ran she noticed ahead of her that the sewer cap was slightly open. She froze. Could this have been an attack? As she walked closer to the sewer cap, she noticed it moved shut as if someone closed it from the inside. Mara took a deep breath and looked back into the distance with Edward still trying to treat the informant with people starting to crowd around them. Mara waited for a few minutes. Open the lid and proceeded down the sewer. 

The smell was awful as expected. Mara climbed down the ladder and found herself in the darkness. This wasn't an issue for Mara as she used her fire energy to illuminate the dark sewers. She drew her short blade and began to proceed. The sewer was like a maze. Mara would hear scurrying behind her as she quickly turned around to see rats run past the pipe. "Seems like the right place for this Rat King", Mara mumbled to herself. She knew she was lost in the sewers. She took a breath and knew she lost whoever she was chasing. As she began to backtrack possibly where she was when suddenly. "What was that," she asked herself. A whistling arrow flew past her striking into the brick to her side. Mara leaped to her side casting her fire in front of her seeing a man in ragged clothing had his bow already drawn towards Mara again. As the arrow was launched towards her she blasted her fire energy, incinerating the arrow in front of her. As she focused on the man in front of her, she heard a battle cry to her side as a woman in the same clothing changed her was a crude hatchet. Mara parried the blow and lash with a side sweep her sword hitting the woman in her side. The woman fell in pain clenching to her side. As she turned towards the man she dodged another arrow and cast a ball of fire in his direction. The man attempted to dodge the ball but hit the side of his face. The two attackers were wounded but weren't fatal blows from Mara. Even though at the moment Mara was trying to survive so her attacks were not dictated by their lethal capability. Two more figures arose from the sewer way changing at Mara. She cast more fire from her hand as a wave separated them. As they were blinded by the fire, Mara lunged through the flames striking one of the individuals with her sword cutting deep into his arm. He dropped his weapon clinging to his almost severed arm. She then blocked an attack from the other individual's dagger. Before she could make her counter-attack, he leaped back and cast strange energy of light to block her. Mara was shocked. Light energy wielders were the most prestigious type of energy users. What was one doing down here? Mara cast a fire blast which cracked the light energy. Whoever this person was, he wasn't that good at it. The light wielder stepped back and began running through the sewer. Mara chased close behind.

Mara's fire kept her luminant throughout the sewers. As she would attempt any fire attack upon the assailant, he would counter with a block of light. She hasn't faced another energy user since the academy but this was not school ground duals, this was life or death. The gap between them was beginning to shorten as she came closer and closer. He made a left turn and as soon as she made the same turn, Mara made a mistake. Upon her were a dozen individuals all armed waiting for Mara to make the corner. Some had bows, hatchets, and crude swords. The light wielder was behind them and ran further into the sewer. Clearly, he wasn't looking for a fight. The room was large as this appeared to be one of the main sewer ways with many different branches. The individuals began to charge Mara as she held up her sword and fire. She cast fire as they blasted one or two of the sewer dwellers. She parried the first blow of another sword in which she sidestepped plunging her own sword into the other person's heart. Mara has to survive. Another attack sliced Mara's arm as an arrow grazed her thigh. She was losing and getting tired. Mara cast a firewall between them so she could catch her breath. Her energy levels were getting low and she did not have much fire left. Her arm was in pain from the gash. As the firewall was getting lower she knew she was about to have just her sword. With her sword in a two-handed position, she was for the onslaught. 

Just before the dwellers were going to proceed with their attack, a flash of light filled the entire room. Not of light or fire energy but that of lighting. Mara knew who this wielder was with Edward descending down upon the sewer. The lighting cast out from both of his hands as they hit the individuals. His storm abilities were no match for the dwellers as he was not even reachable hovering above the ground. Any arrow that attempted to hit him was evaporated by the lighting around him. The dwellers eventually knew that they could not withstand his power as they made a retreat. Edward's feet met the ground below him as he approached Mara. "You came in the knick of time," Mara said holding her arm. "I hope you are ready for the biggest dress down from the chief," Edward said helping Mara up. Mara knew she was going to be in trouble but hoped it was worth it for what she may find. 

Mara and Edward began to search the bodies. Reports have come from witnesses that the attackers were wearing the same ragged robes. They were looking for the right people. Upon searching them Mara and Edward noticed that many of them were covered in sores and appeared sick. Perhaps this was due to being in the sewers and having the poison. Sadly, no information was found on Snug or the bombs. The injured attackers from the first encounter were gone too either escaping or being dragged by another. Just before leaving, they came across another body that robes were slighter charged from Mara's attack. As they took a closer look they noticed his back was exposed with a tattoo. The symbol of Solarwood. Edward and Mara looked at each other. "What do you make of this Mara?" Mara kneeled down on the body. "A sewer dweller with a tattoo of Solarwood and a light energy wielder being involved with terrorist attacks". Mara gave a devious smile, "looks like we are going to make a visit to our alma mater". 


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