Awyn's Travels: Duskeron Volume 1

For Dusk brings forth the Night.

The Duskeron People, also known as Duskers, are a nomadic group who believes in the survival of the fittest. Unlike the other nations, Duskers worship Starzhen believing that he brought the Catastrophe. The reason for this is that they believe the people of Thanabus became soft and weak. Duskers believe that Starzhen wanted to make Thanabus strong once more. The strongest of his people were those in the harsh desert land of Duskeron.

From wandering machines to unholy creatures, Duskeron's harsh lands are a testimony of what the Duskers are made for in the land. Duskers believe that Duskeron will make them strong and that every fight in the desert is a crucible for them to prove their grit and strength. To die in battle is seen as honorable among them as this shall be a testimony to the Starzhen's atonement among Thanabus. Duskers love the desert as this brings heat and lack of water which the Duskers believe is another challenge to overcome within the sands. For whatever the other nations saw as dread, Duskers see as an opportunity to prove their strength which they will never run away.

Even though Duskers can be seen as intimidating at times, Having Duskers among your party will allow you to rest easy as they honor those they fight alongside as they believe all people of Thanabus should claim the mantle of the battles they must face. Duskers honor strength even if that comes from their enemies. Another positive feature of Duskers is their straightforward persona as they will always be truthful, even if that truth may be brutal.

Duskers are believed to be sheer brute strength and lack intelligence. Dusker's lack of interest in knowledge of the world is replaced with their knowledge of the battlefield. Just as an artist may use a paintbrush or a writer may use the quill, Duskers use the blade. Duskers are also notorious craftsmen using what scrap they find in the desert to create reliable weaponry and crude clad armor.

Another positive trait among Duskers is their pursuit of profits through their craftsmanship and slaying of wild beast and bandits among the sand. Their passion for taking danger head-on has gained them notoriety among the other nations. With this Duskers have been known to take on any challenge thrown their way as well as provide the mightiest of weapons and armor for those who seek the same pilgrimage the Duskers face among the sands.

Overall, The Duskeron people are a mighty group who view the world's hardships as tests of their strength. They welcome all failure and tribulations as gifts brought from Starzhen. To fall in battle, to be in Starzhen's embrace, there is no honor as great as this. As dusk comes just before night, Dusker's live a life on the verge of night, and the impending darkness.


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