Ember Sword Chapter 1: The Dusker Swordman.


How far have we traveled through this blasted jungle? This place was not my home. I missed that heat of the desert, the gold walls of Maja, the people that loved me. I can't believe I took on this escort mission to Sevrend. This wasn't even your common trade route type of escort but for diplomatic negotiations to form so alliance. This wasn't the Dusker way, but we were getting desperate. Whispers of annexing Dukseron have turned to rumors throughout Maja. I can't go down a single alley without someone chattering. The Duskers were not so easily persuaded. I wondered how the king felt about this? I wondered how Sarh felt about all of this. I missed her. Even though we were Duskers who did not fear battle, I know she worried every time I went on my trading escorts. This one was much different though. Unlike my usual run to Solarwood, I was commissioned triple my pay to escort some advisors of the king to Sevrend for us to form some backhanded partnership to stand against the republic. Wasn't sure if this was the best course of action yet I have never been into politics. Ediseau and the republic have always been happy customers to our trading companies. Our free market provided anything and everything to the other nations. Perhaps the republic saw how much power we had in our wealth. Maybe they want a piece of the rich material we have scattered across the desert. Sarh believed of possible war was coming to Thanabus. Sevrend and Ediseau have been at each other's necks for quite some time now and I wasn't sure before blows would be exchanged. I would like to see Ediseau take on the mighty Duskeron. To face off with one of the frozen blades would be an honorable fight, even if it was my last.

Some strange part of me wanted to be apart of the conflict. I longed for another great battle. The highwaymen of my usual routes didn't even bother anymore. Duskeron has made any creature in Solarwood feel like a warm-up to what we would fight in the dune.  I was excited to go deeper into Sevrend as the creatures in those jungles were sure to be a challenge. My guildmates believed I was going soft as my battles have been far in between. I was getting older and the lust for battle was starting to fade. My heart was getting softer and it was because of Sarh. 

2 days now we have been in this jungle. I was in the rear to avoid any ambush. In front of me was one of the king's advisors, Madame Caza. Next to her side was her personal bodyguard, Captain Dodd. He was a force to be reckoned with. Dodd had been captain of the guard for many years. To be a personal guard to the advisor was quite the honor. His prestige showed with his metal-clad armor. In front of them was our doctor of sorts, Eames. I have never been into using Energy weapons but his healing has pulled me out of hard times. He spent many years as a professor at the academy before coming back to Duskeron. His clinic has saved many and perhaps cheated some of an honorable death. In the front was our scoutmaster Rosa. An average pickpocketer in Duskeron will get you killed, a master pickpocketer in Duskeron will get you employment. Rosa was a beggar who needed to survive. She knew every alley like the back of her hand. She had eyes and ears everywhere. Her marksmanship matched her other skills. I know she was here to be our pathfinder but I'm sure she was also to get as much information as she could from Sevrend. She had other mission objectives that we would never be allowed to know. 

Then you had me once again on the rear which could be the best position if the attack is in the front but the worst for an ambush. I'm sure my sword can handle it. Crafting this crude blade after our first hunt has never been out of reach since. The Pangaea warbot we found in the sands was no easy takedown. Since I delivered the final blow, I was able to get the first pick. I craft my entire sword from that warbot. Sure it was twice my size at that age and was too heavy, I knew that this was the expectation I set out for myself. I would make this crude blade into an elegant weapon like an ax onto chopping wood into a brush onto a canvas. This sword made me the warrior I am today. 

We had a pretty good team on our hands and I wasn't too worried about what we would find in the jungle. It was getting dark soon, which meant we would need to set up camp. Madame Caza got her personal tent as we all had our cots. I much rather sleep outside by the fire. I feel that I have slept more outside than inside throughout my life. What frustrated me being in Sevrend is that I would not be able to see my enemies hidden among the jungle. No one can sneak up on you in the desert. There is nowhere to hide. Well, except for those creatures under the sand. 

I drew the short straw and was going to be first on the night watch. Captain Dodd was in the tent with Caza as the last line of defense. Eames believed there may have been something more between them two but that was none of our business. Eames was fast asleep sprawled out by the bonfire. Rosa was asleep sitting up against a dead log. I wasn't sure if she was actually sleeping or not. I kept my gaze away from the fire so I could maintain my night eyesight. Eames started to snore which helped me from not dozing off. My eyes were heavy. What was that? Did I hear something? Maybe it was just my imagination. No, I definitely saw something. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Rosa was behind me. "something is coming". I drew my sword, Rosa drew her bow and pulled out an arrow. She tapped on Eames with her foot to wake him. Something was going through the trees and the bushes. Some leaves moved and Rosa drew her bow and shot an arrow towards the ruffling branches. This should have been a direct hit yet nothing came from it. We continued to hear the ruffling of the leaves. It was getting closer. Eames was awake by now and I could see the energy beginning to power and shine among his gauntlets. 

"I'll inform Dodd," said Eames. Before he turned to the tent, vines began to launch out towards us. One grabbed my led as I cleaved down upon it. My sword sliced through them with ease. Rosa drew her dual daggers and cut away from the vines before they even made contact. These vines appeared to be like snakes in the grass. The more vines we cut away the more came behind them. What strange darkness would be dragged into being carried away in the jungle. Eames cast some holy fire with his energy setting some of the vines ablaze. "Protect Caza" I shouted as I began to see some of the vines crawl under the sides of the tent. I went towards the tent just to be greeted with Dodd having his short sword and shield drawn. Behind him was Caza clutching to him with shock. Maja made Caza afraid unlike the Duskers in the dune, but as I saw more vines begin to surround us, I was getting anxious as well. 

The vines came by the hundred as we chopped, sliced, and burned whenever they became close. We all were facing a different direction on a compass and Madame Caza was in the middle of all of us. If one side broke, we were all going to be consumed by these vines. After a while, the carnage began to stop. We cut through the vines and no one was hurt. I was fully in the carnage at this point and I sought out my next fight. Perhaps it was my rage but off in the night I thought I saw a robed person looking upon us. I gave my battle cry and charged headfirst. through the jungles. Was this hooded creature commanding the vines that attacked us? As I moved forward, the hooded person began to weave through the jungle with ease. This person was fast and knew their way through the jungle. I was beginning to narrow the gap as I heard my party call out to comeback. Just as I was about the reach them, I caught myself upon a branch and fell into a spore-like plant. I cloud of gas came upon me. I looked around my surroundings and could not see the hooded figure around me. I saw the light of the fire in the distance as I began to walk back, but my vision became blurred. What did that spore do to me? I began to hear whispers, I felt drunk, I came up to my party, I could not hear what they were saying, I could not see what they were doing. Everything was blurred and then everything went dark. The last thing I heard was Sarh's voice in my head, the last thing she told me before I left on this mission. "Come back to me safe Matthis". 


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