Ember Sword Chapter 7: The Garden of Starzhen

Matthis sat on the balcony of his small living space in Starscrape. He had been in the Sevrendi capitol city for roughly a week. After being sprayed by the spore, his team came across some Sevrendi locals who found him in his bad conditions and brought him into the city. Matthis was starting to become bored in the city. Madame Caza and Captain Dodd spent most of their days with the advisors of Sevrend. Rosa spent most of her days in the tavern and Eames was offering the other energy wielders lectures of his light energy. Matthis was tired of being in the humid jungle and longed to be back with Sarh in Maja. 10 years earlier, Maja and Duskeron was the last place he wanted to be. Matthis watched the busy city below him, observing each Sevrendi trying to find the hooded person he chased through the jungle on their journey here. The locals said the jungle can be the biggest friend or foe depending on where you were. Matthis thought the hooded sevrendi was responsible for the vi...